Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Exhibition Banner svgWhat you see is what you see! Exhibition at kunsthalle weishaupt
June 20, 2024—October 27, 2024

What you see is what you see! Exhibition at kunsthalle weishaupt

What you see is what you see!

In memory of Frank Stella (1936-2024), who shaped the art of post-war modernism like no other, the Museum Ulm and the Siegfried and Jutta Weishaupt Collection are jointly showing works by the artist in the kunsthalle weishaupt.

The recently deceased American painter, sculptor and object artist resisted the interpretation of his works throughout his life and is considered a pioneer of minimalism. In his endeavours to negotiate all formal, technical, spatial and painterly ambiguities, Frank Stella drew on the diverse possibilities of abstraction. Art should not mean, but be, solely for its own sake: You see what you see!

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