Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Events BannerInternational Museum Day at kunsthalle weishaupt

International Museum Day at kunsthalle weishaupt

The exhibition “A new spelling of museum” at the kunsthalle weishaupt is divided into various categories. These include augmented reality, excavation, bisama apple, Coca-Cola, collage and much more.

On display is a diverse and surprising selection of works from the collection of the Museum Ulm. Initially organised from A to L – later from M to Z. The Museum Ulm can be experienced in a new way, the familiar and the unknown, the old and the new, the amusing and the puzzling can be found and discovered.

Sunday, 19 May 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.


11.30 am / 4 pm – Short guided tour “A new spelling od museum. Part 1: A-L” (in German)

2 p.m. – Children’s tour “Museum adventures – sometimes colourful, sometimes lion-strong” (in German)

11.30 am to 5 pm – creative work table for families and children

Free admission


Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

Wir sind seit dem 14.01.2024 mit unserer Ausstellung "Museum neu buchstabiert. Teil 1: A-L" zu Gast in der benachbarten kunsthalle weishaupt. Außerdem ist das HfG-Archiv weiterhin für Sie geöffnet.

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