Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Events Bannercancelled! Spaghetti Bridge construction competition in cooperation with TH Ulm

cancelled! Spaghetti Bridge construction competition in cooperation with TH Ulm

Unfortunately, this event is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Bridge builders wanted!
Call for participation in the public spaghetti bridge building competition
as part of the exhibition ‘al dente. Pasta & Design’ exhibition
at the HfG Archive Ulm in cooperation with THU


The exhibition ‘al dente. Pasta & Design’ exhibition at the HfG Archive in Ulm seeks out the interfaces between the pasta we are all familiar with and design. Which pasta is the most beautiful and which tastes the best? That’s debatable. Thin, straight spaghetti is popular, but is it also suitable for practising structural designs?
The spaghetti bridge building competition on Thursday, 7 November 2024 is all about who can build the best bridge from Italian noodles. Will a particularly lightweight construction win the race or will solid stability win? And which bridge will impress with its elegant design? You are all cordially invited to build and cheer along.

A jury consisting of these members will select the winning bridge in the evening:
Prof. Dr Annika Götz (THU), Prof. Dr Thomas Schmitz (THU) and a person with design expertise N.N. (Museum Ulm / HfG Archive Ulm). The best bridges will receive attractive prizes.

Venue: Canteen of the former Ulm School of Design, Am Hochsträß 8, 89081 Ulm

Participation: Participation in the competition after registration by e-mail to Katharina Faller at by 24.10.2024. A maximum of 15 bridges can be built in the competition. A bridge can be built alone or in a group. The maximum group size is 4 people.

Just watching? Anyone interested is invited to watch the building process. Admission to the public event is free and no registration is required. On the day of the event, the exhibition can be visited in advance between 11.00 am and 5.00 pm.

In cooperation with



Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

Wir sind seit dem 14.01.2024 mit unserer Ausstellung "Museum neu buchstabiert. Teil 1: A-L" zu Gast in der benachbarten kunsthalle weishaupt. Außerdem ist das HfG-Archiv weiterhin für Sie geöffnet.

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