Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Exhibition Banner svgDeath in the Lion Men’s Valley
May 10, 2019—November 24, 2019

Death in the Lion Man's Valley

– Bone Stories out of 100.000 Years

The Lone Valley near Ullm is best known for its caves, home of the oldest known figurative works of art such as the „Lion Man“. In 2017, the caves in the lower portion of the valley were declared part of the UNESCO world heritage „Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura“.

Other archaeological finds did not receive the same attention. Among these are the human skeletal remains from the time of the Neanderthals through the Middle Ages and are proof that humans visited the caves for tens of thousands as years: As places to settle and live, as burial places, ritual places of worship, or places of sacrifice.


Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

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