Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Exhibition Banner svgReclaim Context
November 23, 2019—March 1, 2020

Reclaim Context

Bauhaus Studio 100

Exhibition location: HfG-Archiv I Am Hochsträß 8 I 89081 Ulm

Opening I Fri I 22 November 2019 I 7 p.m.

100 years after its foundation, the Bauhaus is still a source of inspiration, and designers and artists refer to the designs and attitudes of this first German design academy.

At various locations in Weimar, the birthplace of the Bauhaus, 100 actors from the fields of art, design, architecture, civil engineering, performance and music developed their own projects at the beginning of the anniversary year, all of which are in some way connected with the Bauhaus.

The Bauhaus Studio 100 project group, led by CananYilmaz, HP Großmann, Wolfgang Sattler and Stefan Kraus, has curated a series of seven exhibitions that will be shown in the course of 2019.

The seventh and final stop is the HfG archive. A selection of all the works will be shown here. Around 50 designers will present their works in the “Studio HfG”, including design objects as well as works of art and works that overcome the separation between art and design.


Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

Wir sind seit dem 14.01.2024 mit unserer zweiteiligen Ausstellung "Museum neu buchstabiert. " zu Gast in der benachbarten kunsthalle weishaupt. Außerdem ist das HfG-Archiv weiterhin für Sie geöffnet.

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