Young Ulm Art Award
bleeptrack – code/art
Opening I Fri I 08 November 2019 I 5 p.m.
The prizewinner Junge Ulmer Kunst Bleeptrack alias Sabine Wieluch (*1992) studied computer science and has acquired a broad spectrum of knowledge through her broad field of interest.
In her artistic work she works with particular passion on interdisciplinary projects and the fusion of art and code. Mathematical descriptions and algorithms serve as a starting point for generative art and interactive installations. Not the work of art as an end product, but the processual invention and the set of rules created by the artist, the program, the binary code as the underlying idea are in the foreground of interest here.
What initially unfolds in digital space in the form of a relatively autonomous process and with the help of a self-built CNC machine, a laser cutter or a sewing machine becomes generatively generated objects. Bleeptrack particularly enjoys working with pen plotters, the predecessors of our present-day printers whose plotted works combine the feel of a hand drawing with the precision of a computer-controlled device.