Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Exhibition Banner svgZhuang Hong Yi – Flowerbeds
March 3, 2018—June 17, 2018

Zhuang Hong Yi – Flowerbeds

East and west, tradition and modernity, discipline and free thinking: Chinese artist Zhuang Hong Yi (*1962 Sichuan/China I lives in Rotterdam and Peking) unites these seemingly disparate concepts almost effortlessly, condensing them into works that are more wall installations than paintings, due to their very haptic, three-dimensional character and the iridescent colour gradients.

His Flowerbeds are like heads of blossoms growing from out of the canvas, sometimes delicate, sometimes pastose, using rice paper, ink and lacquer reminiscent of Chinese craftwork, while stylistically oscillating between European Neo-impressionism and western abstraction. An integral characteristic of Zhuang Hong Yi’s works are the expertly engrafted iridescent colours, prompting new effects and perceptions caused by the observers’ slightest movement. Zhuang Hong Yi utilises the basic idea of kinetic art. However, it is not the object that provides the motion, it is caused by the perceiver’s activity.

The exhibition is accompanied by a programme of public events.


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