Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Plastic Material − Magic Material at HfG-Archiv

HfG-Archiv open as usual!

While the Museum Ulm on the Marktplatz is closed for renovation and reconstruction, the HfG-Archiv on Hochsträß remains open as usual. Currently on view: Plastic Material − Magic Material.

The temporary exhibition focuses on the use of modern plastics in product design and their role at the former Ulm School of Design.

Like no other material, plastics stand for democratisation in the world of things. They are suitable as substitutes for traditional materials, are cheap raw materials for mass-produced penny products, indispensable in medical technology or the automotive industry. They can be moulded into any shape, drawn, inflated and given any colour imaginable. Since the 1970s at the latest, they have been triumphant in the consumer goods sector.

Our colleagues at Oberer Kuhberg look forward to your visit!

For further information, click here.


Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

Wir sind seit dem 14.01.2024 mit unserer zweiteiligen Ausstellung "Museum neu buchstabiert. " zu Gast in der benachbarten kunsthalle weishaupt. Außerdem ist das HfG-Archiv weiterhin für Sie geöffnet.

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