Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Provenance Research

Colonial contexts in the collections

The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Wuerttemberg supports the Museum Ulm with subsidies with the content-related reappraisal of the holdings from a colonial context. With the state grant, the ministry is creating an impetus to provide the greatest possible transparency with regard to collection items with a colonial connection.

The grant from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the amount of 30,000 euros enabled the partial financing of a temporary project position (September 2021 to December 2022), within the framework of which approximately 220 ethnographic objects were examined that originate i. a. from African countries, from parts of Oceania and Australia, and from Southeast Asia and were created at the end of the 19th / beginning of the 20th century or entered the museum during this period.

The project included systematic indexing and digital inventory as well as research into the provenance and acquisition history of the objects in question.

The objects and project results are published on the platform museum-digital.

Funded by:


Das Museum Ulm ist wegen Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen geschlossen!

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