Museum Ulm
The museum is closed for rebuilding!
Exhibition Banner svgSuccessful Failure
April 25, 2021—July 4, 2021

Successful Failure: - Erfolgreich Scheitern

The exhibition presents the works and results from the workshops as part of “Successful Failure – A Media Art Camp between Berblinger and Battle Royale”.

Albrecht Ludwig Berblinger from Ulm experienced first-hand how close success and failure are when he attempted to fly over the Danube in 1811 with a flying machine he had built himself. His invention was so enthusiastic that even the king came to Ulm to witness the flight. When the attempt failed, it drew ridicule and went down in history. Despite multiple setbacks, he continued to pursue his courageous ideas and forward-looking visions, so that people still tell each other about the deeds of this ingenious inventor today. Did he fail gloriously or was he ultimately successful?

A completely different conception of success is the currently popular game mode of “Battle Royale. A Battle Royal in a computer game is only won if all other players have been successfully eliminated. If you are not prepared to kill all your competitors, you have lost.

Based on these opposing models of success, the participants dealt with the different ways of looking at success in a one-week media art camp. Due to the Corona pandemic, the camp was implemented digitally during the 2021 Carnival holidays (15 – 19 February 2021).

Guided by the media artists Janina Schmid, Barbara Herold, Andreas Hauslaib and Georg Lisek, the participants aged between 13 and 19 discussed the different forms of success over five days and placed the topic in the context of their own experience. The artistic ideas were implemented using new media techniques such as animation, 3D modelling, augmented reality, programming and video mapping.

It was not only in terms of content that success and failure played a major role during the project week. The participants also experienced immediate successes and failures in the realisation of the projects, not least because of the digital implementation of the camp and the associated limited possibilities for action.

Following the understanding of the museum as a place of lively exchange, the exhibition project provides an insight into the young people’s ways of thinking and seeing. Their artistic debate is given space as a retrospective supplement to the exhibition “Transhuman – From Prosthetics to Cyborg”, which took place in 2020 and focused on Berblinger’s invention of prostheses, and is expanded by the perspectives of a new generation.

The media art camp was held in cooperation with the e.tage medien.bildung of the Stadtjugendring Ulm e.V. and funded by the city of Ulm as part of “Berblinger 20/21”.



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